Adavale controls a significant uranium tenement portfolio, located in Australia’s most prospective region for uranium, 550km north of Adelaide, and 70km East of Marree. The company holds 8 tenements with a total area of 2,657 km2.

The Adavale tenements cover an area that is prospective for sandstone hosted roll-front uranium mineralisation. Strong radiometric anomalies occur in the Project area and uranium minerals have been found in outcrop.
Known uranium orebodies on the eastern side of the Flinders Ranges include Beverley, Honeymoon, Goulds Dam and Yarramba, and the Mt Gee project. Several of these projects lie in the northern Flinders Ranges about 60 km from the Company’s project areas.
Majority of tenure in northern Flinders Ranges prospective for Uranium has already been secured. Major ground holdings are dominated by large private/public unlisted companies (Heathgate/Tri Star). Adavale and Orpheus are the only ASX-listed companies in the northern geological region.

Acquisition of EL6553 (Mundowdna South East and MacDonnell Creek) covering 456km2 is strategically located and proximal to the Company’s Mundowdna South and Lake Surprise Uranium Projects. Previous exploration activities identified several pathfinder and anomalous uranium target areas including uranium intercepts: 1.0 metre at 263ppm eU3O8 and 0.65m at 235ppm eU3O8. EL6553 includes the Eyre and Namba Formations, that host sedimentary roll-front uranium occurrence including the nearby Beverley and Honeymoon uranium deposits.
The newly acquired EL6890 (The Hook) covering 599km2 has secured a contiguous ground holding that includes the extension of the interpreted paleochannels trending north.
George Creek and MacDonnell Creek Prospects

Uranium Target Areas
Sentinel 2 satellite imagery interpretation highlights paleochannels

- Originally the Sentinel 2 satellite imagery was analysed and compared with Gravity and Tempest EM anomalies
- Analysis highlights palaeochannels forming fan from northern Ikara -Flinders Ranges
- All major uranium deposits in region are found in this environment
- Soil sampling, gravity and gamma surveys to refine targets completed (results in June)
- Transects (denoted in pink) utilised existing tracks, no special permits required (covered ~ 80+ line km)
- Ground disturbance applications underway and heritage discussions will enable pathway to next phase of exploration (drilling)
Roll Front Uranium Geology – Schematic Model

Next Steps – Uranium
- Confirmation of targets areas on EL6553 followed by preparation of an exploration program
- Interpretation of Exploration program results on Mundowdna Uranium Project (completed April 24)
- Terraleach geochemistry
Surface technique for identifying geology and reduced environments - Gravity surveys
Aids in the determination of structures and palaeochannels - Scintillometer surveys
A geophysical prospecting method that is much more sensitive than methods using a Geiger counter and can distinguish different types of radiation.
- Terraleach geochemistry
- Land access and notice of entry forms for EL6553
- Delineation of extensions to the prospective areas – soil sampling/surface sampling to refine drill targets.
- Prepare drill program + cultural surveys/submissions of EPEPR + associated statutory documents.
- Drilling programs designed to determine uranium mineralisation potential (EL 6553/Mundowdna)
Acknowledgements to traditional owners
Adavale acknowledges the Dieri as Traditional Custodians of the land on which our current works are located. With respect to Elders past, present and emerging, Adavale is committed to conducting its activities with respect to the communities in which it operates.