Tanzania – Africa
Adavale holds a dominant nickel licence portfolio within the East African Nickel Belt of Tanzania, with 1315sqkm held either 100% or under joint venture. Utilising a dedicated methodology and considered exploration program, Adavale has generated numerous priority Ni target areas within the portfolio.
Adavale’s tenements are adjacent & along strike from the world’s largest undeveloped high-grade Kabanga nickel sulphide deposit, which contains a mineral resource of 87.6Mt @ 2.63% Ni.
Kabanga Jirani is located along the Kabanga-Musongati mafic-ultramafic alignment, a notable setting with similarities to the Thomson Nickel Belt, Raglan and Voisey’s Bay deposits in Canada & IGO’s Nova project in the Albany-Fraser Belt in Western Australia.

Adavale was awarded the Luhuma Central tenement in May 2023, with exploration commencing shortly after. Initial drilling focused on testing a historical BHP intercept of 8m @ 1.14% Ni, with the hole successfully intersecting massive nickel sulphides.

Subsequent drilling at Luhuma Central has been successful, with sulphides intersected in all of the first five holes drilled by Adavale. Downhole EM and Ground EM surveys were completed on all holes to define the focus the next exploration stages.
The modelled plates extending across the central survey area and further to the south do, however, show an equally strong measure of conductance to the central plate, implying that the massive sulphide mineralisation intersected in the central area extends to the south. These high conductance plates cover a strike extent of about 700m.
The continuation of the higher conductance zone towards the south-west coincides with an area of the Luhuma intrusion that was recently identified as significantly more primitive (more MgO rich) as shown in the figure below.


At HEM 4, RC drilling is continuing to determine if a series of coincident EM, geochemical and gravity anomalies identified there are associated with favourable host rocks at depth below the cover sequence. The locality of the first two completed RC drillholes (RCKE016 and RCKE017) are shown in the figure below. The holes were completed to their planned depths of 146m and 150m, respectively. Both RC holes intercepted mafic lithologies (gabbro).

Awards & Community Initiatives
Adavale is committed to working with and supporting the local communities in which we operate. Following are some of the initiatives that we are currently involved in.

Vaka Health Foundation (sponsorship)
- Providing professional development train for 60 nurses at Ngara District Hospital
- AAMEG 2022 award winner: Best Workforce & Industry Development Initiative

Bridge2Aid Australia
- Prevention of infant oral mutilation
- Training, awareness and treatment

Rulenge District School
Donation of 80 classroom desks

Local Employment
- Graduate positions as field assistants
- Local procurement
- Drilling companies sourced locally